Engage in Learning
Main Contact: Ingrid Obsuth
Engage in Learning (EiL) is a staff training course that is currently being developed at the Centre for Community, Gender and Social Justice. It is funded by the University's Teaching and Learning Innovations Fund (2016 -2017) award to Drs. Ingrid Obsuth, Caroline Lanskey, Amy Ludlow and Ruth Armstrong.
EiL is both practice-informed and theory-based, building on interpersonal and learning theories (such as attachment, person-centred, Vygotskij). The course is being designed for both university teachers and supervisors as well as for prison staff. The aim of the course is to train and guide university and prison staff to build relationships that support and empower students/prison residents in their learning in formal and informal settings. We plan to deliver and evaluate the pilot EiL courses (one at the University and one in prison) in Spring 2017, utilising both qualitative and quantitative methods. Following the iterative approach to course development, the evaluation will feed into the further development of the course.